905-715-2447 Winter Hours: Closed for the Season 3301 Sideroad 10, Bradford, ON Canada
905-715-2447 Winter Hours: Closed for the Season 3301 Sideroad 10, Bradford, ON Canada

Home – Koi & Fish Pond Supplies Canada

Japanese Koi, Aquatic Plants & Pond Supplies Canada

Welcome To Hydrosphere Water Gardens - The Pond Experts

At Hydrosphere Water Gardens & Fisheries, we are not just another online pond website. You can visit our location to see our great selection of koi, beautiful pond plants, display ponds and pond supplies in person. However, if you don’t live in our area, we are your best online source for quality pond supplies and aquatic plants. We are committed to providing you with the best service, advice and products for your pond.

We have quality imported Japanese koi ranging from 4″ up to 18″, as well as domestic and butterfly koi. If you are looking for goldfish, we have standard goldfish such as Sarasa Comets and Shubunkins. We quarantine all our fish to make sure they are completely healthy before we offer them for sale.

If you have a large, natural pond, we provide pond consultations and assessments, as well as pond maintenance and restoration. We also supply and install diffused aeration systems and floating fountains along with pond treatments.

We have a great selection of beautiful tropical and winter hardy aquatic plants. We sell water lilies and lotus in all colours, flowering pond plants like iris, canna and water hyacinths.

Most importantly, with over 30 years of pond experience, we can provide expert advice to you – our customer, to make your pond the best it can be.

products for large natural ponds

We provide professional pond consultations and complete pond assessments to determine the cause of the issues your are having with your pond. We provide pond maintenance and restoration services, sell environmentally friendly & effective pond treatments, install floating fountains & diffused aeration systems.

Whether you use your pond for swimming, fishing, recreation or just appreciate its natural beauty, we can help.

Large Pond Assessments, Maintenance & Restoration

Our Services:
  • Pond Assessments
  • Floating Fountain Installations
  • Diffused Aeration System Installations
  • Weed Removal
  • Algae Control & Removal
  • Pond Treatment Sales & Application
  • Fish Health Assessments

Shop For Large Pond Products

Large Pond Treatments, Equipment & Tools
  • Pond Dye
  • Floating Fountains
  • Diffused Aeration System
  • Algae Control Products
  • Sludge Reducers
  • Weed Removal Tools
  • Barley Straw
Shop our great selection pond products - Including:
  • Pond Pumps
  • Japanese Koi
  • Aquatic Plants
  • Pond Filters
  • Fish Food
  • Pond Kits
  • Fish Medications
  • Water Treatments
  • & Much More

We offer quality products at great prices for your pond.

pond products and supplies Canada

Koi & Goldfish

Kohaku, Sanke, Showa

Utsuri, Goshiki, Tancho 

Sarasa, Shubunkin, Fantails

Quality koi imported directly from the best farms in Japan. Kohaku, Sanke, Showa, Utsuri are just a few of the varieties of Japanese koi we  have in stock. 

Pond Plants

Water Lilies, Lotus, Iris,

Water Hyacinth, Cannas

Water Lettuce, Oxygentors  

Add some colour to your pond with big, beautiful pond plants. Choose from Hardy water lilies, floating plants, oxygenating  plants, marginals and more.

Pond Supplies

Pumps, Filters, Fish Food

Medications, Floating Fountains

Algae Control, Pond Kits

We have all the pond supplies you need. Whether you are looking for an energy efficient pump, pond filter, fish medications or a pond kit  – we’ve got it.

Nualgi Ponds - Pond Algae Control

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Nualgi Ponds - Pond Algae Control
Product Details
Brand: Nualgi

Nualgi Ponds - Naturally Balance Your Pond

Eliminate Nuisance Algae & Get Crystal Clear Water – Without an Algaecide!

Nualgi is Safe for Fish, Plants, Amphibians, Birds & Pets!

We regularly use Nualgi here at Hydrosphere with great results!

Safely improve water quality and balance the nitrogen cycle in your pond to reduce maintenance, bad odors, and fish feed by treating with Nualgi Ponds. Our breakthrough formula adds missing nutrients back into the water for healthier plants and fish.

An innovative approach to improving pond balance, Nualgi Ponds is built on a nano silica base with our patented formula of 12 essential elements that safely help restore the natural balance, improve water quality and control nuisance algae.

Engineered specifically to benefit the health of your aquatic plants and fish, Nualgi Ponds is easy to use, efficient, and yields rapid results.

Nualgi Pond ComponentsWHAT IS NUALGI PONDS?

Nualgi is a liquid additive containing 12 essential nutrients on a nano silica base to restore balance, improve water quality, and control nuisance algae in your pond. Nano silica is both a nutrient and a carrier that prevents the nutrients from reacting with each other.

Unlike traditional additives, Nualgi’s nano scale (measuring 5-100 nm) nutrients remain suspended for longer duration, disperse easily across the water column and are therefore “bio-available” to marine organisms.

Nualgi Ponds DiatomsHOW DOES IT WORK?

Within 3 – 5 hours of applying Nualgi Ponds, a bloom of Diatom algae (the good kind!) will develop. The diatom algae bloom out-competes nuisance algae for CO2, N, P and other nutrients, causing the bad algae to die off. It then locks away some of the harmful nutrients in the new bio mass that is consumed as live food for your fish and zooplankton.

Nualgi Pond BenefitsWHAT ARE THE BENEFITS?

Nualgi Ponds has been developed specifically to starve nuisance algae, reduce foul odors, and increase oxygen levels in your pond. Nualgi promotes greater fish and plant health while keeping the water crystal clear. Enjoy your new habitat and show off your pond as your fish become more active and your plants gain more color.

Directions For Use:

Nualgi is dosed at 1ml per 1000 gallons per week in ponds with algae. If possible, Nualgi should be dosed early in the morning.

Adding extra will actually reduce the effectiveness. It is better to do half a dose than to overdose

For ponds under 5000 gallons with good flow, Nualgi can be dosed directly into the skimmer or the waterfall or some other area of good flow. For larger ponds, dilute the dosage in a jar of pond water and pour it in the accessible parts of the pond by walking around the periphery.

What To Expect
You should see less algae buildup on the pond surface and in the filter. Eventually you’ll be able to reduce the amount you feed fish. If you have floating plants, you should see them thrive and become more colorful. In all ponds water should look clearer with fish more active & vibrant.

Patience is important with Nualgi.
Some ponds clear in a few days, while others can take over 4 weeks. In a severely eutrophic ponds, results will be visible by the first afternoon – bubbling up of oxygen, foul odour stops, Blue Green Algae may crash and float up, etc. Water may appear brown or turn green, but that is part of the biological process.

Before You Dose
Shake the bottle vigorously and measure out the proper dose. Better to under dose than to add more than the recommended amount.
Physically remove dead leaves, debris and any algae that you can scoop out before starting the Nualgi dose. Learn more about opening your pond for spring.

Timing Your Dose
Nualgi Ponds should be dosed every 7 days, preferably in the morning to maximize effectiveness. You can use Nualgi Ponds throughout the winter and spring by following dosing on the label. Use reduced dose frequency as the water temperature changes. Below is a guide on how often to apply Nualgi Ponds into your water system.
  • 40°-49° – Dose once a month
  • 50°-59° – Dose once every two weeks
  • 60°+ – Dose once a week with normal instructions

Alternate Dosing For Ponds with Significant Algae buildup
Nualgi Ponds should be dosed every 5 days where algae covers 20% of the Pond. Reduce dosage to once per 7 days after algae drops to 10% of the pond.

How To Dose
Extract the appropriate dose and dilute in appropriate amount of water. It is important to know the volume of water in your pond before dosing Nualgi. Nualgi is dosed at 1ml per 1000 gallons per week in ponds with algae. If possible, Nualgi should be dosed early in the morning.
For ponds under 5000 gallons with good flow, Nualgi can be dosed directly into the skimmer or the waterfall or some other area of good flow. For larger ponds, dilute the dosage in a jar of pond water and pour it in the accessible parts of the pond by walking around the periphery.

Store in a dark cool place – Nualgi does not need to be refrigerated but should be stored away from direct light.







About Us

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Hydrosphere Water Gardens

Hydrosphere Water Gardens & Fisheries is a family run business that was founded in 1996. With a combined 30 years experience in the water garden industry, we continually strive to bring you the best products, competitive prices, excellent service and helpful advice…

More About Us

Winter Hours

Our hours of operation change throughout the season. Please check our hours carefully.
Varieties of Pond Plants
Fish in Stock
Years in Business
of Satisfied Customers

Our 2024 Japanese Koi Shipment

Our 2024 Japanese koi shipment will be arriving soon! Scroll left or right to see what's coming
or Click Here To Go To Our Japanese Koi Page
Pond Advice & Tips

Expert Advice

Green water, string algae, or sick fish? We have been in business for more than 20 years, and during that time we have gained valuable experience dealing with all kinds of pond issues. Check out our pond advice page for helpful tips and articles.
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