905-715-2447 Fall Hours: Wednesday to Saturday 10:00 am-5:00 pm 3301 Sideroad 10, Bradford, ON Canada
905-715-2447 Fall Hours: Wednesday to Saturday 10:00 am-5:00 pm 3301 Sideroad 10, Bradford, ON Canada

Large Pond Maintenance & Installations

Hydrosphere Water Gardens > Large Pond Maintenance & Installations

Large Pond Maintenance & Installations

Proactive Pond Management Solutions For Your Pond

Do you have a large natural pond, farm pond or large very large lined pond overgrown with weeds, with deep layers of sludge, excessive algae growth or water clarity issues? We provide large pond maintenance and products specifically for these problems. 

One of the most common problems that occurs in ponds is that they become overgrown with filamentous algae such as spirogyra or chara. This usually looks like a ‘green slime’ that grows round the perimeter of the pond where the water is shallow. Excessive and unwanted growth of duckweed, cattails, bulrushes, submerged plants and sludge accumulation are other common problems in large ponds and lakes. Fortunately, we have the solutions to remedy these problems. We provide services such as floating fountain installation, diffused aeration systems design and installation, natural bacterial pond treatments and manual removal of weeds and algae.  We will assess your pond, determine the root cause of the problem,  and suggest the proper course of action that will greatly improve the appearance of your pond.  

Large Pond Maintenance, Services & Products Provided By The Pond Experts

  • Pond & Lake Assessment / Consultation
  • Invasive Weed Control
  • Duckweed Removal
  • Floating Fountain Installation
  • Sub Surface / Diffused Aeration System Installation
  • Fish Health Assessments
  • Proactive Pond Management
  • Sales & Application of Effective Pond Treatments
  • Seasonal Pond Care
  • Aquatic Planting & Design
  • Water Quality Testing
  • Seasonal Aerator / Fountain Removal and Spring Start-Up

Markets Served

With over 25 years of experience in the pond industry, we have developed a thorough understanding of the many factors that affect the water quality, water clarity, and overall health pond and lake ecosystems.

We bring our knowledge and expertise to each project to provide you with tried & tested solutions to bring you the best possible results and revitalize your pond.

Here are some of the markets we serve:

  • Pond & Lake Management
    We offer a wide range of products and services such as pond treatments, pond aeration & circulation options as well as floating fountain installation to help improve and maintain the ecological balance of lakes and ponds
  • Stormwater Retention 
    Because stormwater retention ponds are often shallow, they present unique problems. We have many solutions to help improve the water quality, clarity and odour.
  • Municipalities
    We provide municipalities a wide array of customized solutions to help manage resources efficiently and sustainably.
  • HOA’s – Home Owner Associations
    We provide a range of products and services customized for each homeowners’ association to maintain your ponds in great condition.
  • De-icing
    Our de-icing options are designed to keep pond surfaces free from ice and prevent damaging ice buildup away from docks, boat slips and other structures.
  • Farm Operations
    Agricultural ponds require specific water management solutions. We offer naturally effective pond treatments & products.

Pond Assessments

Don't Know Where to Start? Let Us Do a Professional Pond Assessment
During our on-site assessment / consultation, we will help determine the cause of the problems or issues with your pond by assessing the following:
  • Water quality – testing for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH & phosphate
  • Sludge / organic debris accumulation
  • Submerged and emergent plant growth
  • Weed identification
Once we complete our assessment, we will provide you with a written report that identifies the causes of the issues with your pond as well as the solutions and a pond maintenance program to help:
  • Improve the overall health of the pond
  • Improve water quality and clarity
  • Improve circulation and oxygen levels in the pond

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Some of Our Recent Large Pond Maintenance Projects

Shoreline / Emergent Weed Removal

Emergent & Submerged pond weeds


This pond was overgrown with emergent & submerged pond weeds, was  plagued with brown murky water, ans had substantial amount of muck & sludge on bottom of the pond

emergent pond weeds cleaned


We removed yellow flag irises, grasses & other marginal plants, as well as algae & submerged plants. Blue dye and MuckAway added to the pond 

Duckweed Removal

duckweed covering large pond


This pond was completely covered with duckweed except near the floating fountain. A substantial amount of muck & sludge on bottom of pond fed the duckweed and the planktonic algae the caused the brown murky water

duckweed removal from large pond


Duckweed skimmed and removed from surface, cattails removed, some emergent weeds removed. Pond Dye & MuckAway added to the pond.

Diffused Aeration System Installation


This shallow pond had poor  circulation, and was partially overgrown with duckweed and hornwort, fed by a substantial amount of muck & sludge on bottom of pond that had built up over several years

sub-surface diffused aerator


3/4 HP Rotary Vane Aeration System installed in this 1 acre pond. 4 diffusers were spaced evenly throughout the pond for maximum effectiveness. Regular treatments of MuckAway were added along with the aeration system to increase the digestion of muck 

Aquatic Design & Planting

large pond aquatic planting


A relatively new lined pond with no aquatic plants. Filamentous algae and sludge accumulation was beginning to become unsightly.

large pond aquatic planting


Water lilies, arrowhead, marsh marigolds, irises and various rushes were planted along the east shore of the pond. Nature’s Blue pond dye added.

Common Problems in Large Ponds

If your pond has any of these problems, we can help!
duckweed covering large pond

Floating Pond Weeds

Tiny Plants Floating on the Surface

Once established in a pond,  floating pond plants such as duckweed or watermeal can grow extremely quickly making the pond look very unpleasant. Duckweed can overtake a pond and completely cover the surface. 

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coontail pond weed

Submerged Pond Weeds

Plants Growing Below the Surface

Submerged pond plants, often called ‘seaweed’ such as curly leaf pond weed, elodea and coontail can grow very quickly in a nutrient-rich pond. Once they reach the surface of the pond they become unsightly. 

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pond algae

Filamentous Algae

Dense Mats of Algae Near the Surface

Algae differs from submerged pond plants in that it has no defined root system. It can form gooey clumps of slimy algae, or more fibrous dense strands or mats. Common types of algae include Spirogyra and Chara. 

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planktonic pond algae green water

Planktonic Algae

Microscopic Algae Causing Cloudy Water

Planktonic algae is a microscopic algae that causes cloudy water. In mild cases, it can turn pond water slightly brown /tea coloured. In a full out algae blooms ponds can look ‘pea soup’ green with visibility less than a few centimeters. 

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large pond muck and sludge

Pond Muck & Sludge

Sludge layer on Bottom of Pond

Sludge and muck naturally accumulate on the bottom of ponds over time. Without treatment, as sludge builds up over time, it begins to releases nutrients in to the water that feed algae, submerged plants and shoreline plants such as cattails. 

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emergent submerged pond weeds

Emergent / Shoreline Plants

Shoreline Plants in Shallow Water

Emergent / Shoreline plants are one of the most common problem in ponds. Cattails, bullrushes, grasses, irises and phragmites can quickly become established in ponds initially by seed, then can spread rapidly by division.

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