905-715-2447 Fall Hours: Wednesday to Saturday 10:00 am-5:00 pm 3301 Sideroad 10, Bradford, ON Canada
905-715-2447 Fall Hours: Wednesday to Saturday 10:00 am-5:00 pm 3301 Sideroad 10, Bradford, ON Canada

Japanese Koi

Imported Japanese Koi

Direct From Koi Farms in Japan
imported Japanese koi

Japanese koi are the best quality koi available. The colours of Japanese koi are more rich and vibrant, their patterns more defined and well balanced compared to domestic or koi imported from other countries. Most breeders in Japan specialize in breeding only a few varieties of koi. This allows them to concentrate their efforts on producing fewer fish but at a higher quality. Many koi farms in other countries try to provide many or all of the varieties and focus on quantity over quality.  

We import our koi directly from Japan from some of the best breeders. We have an outstanding selection of koi ranging from 4″ up to 20″. We offer a wide range of varieties of Japanese koi including favourites such as Showa, Sanke, Yamabuki and Utsuri. We also stock some of the harder to find varieties such as Goshiki, Goromo, Ochiba, Kumonryu and Tancho.

If you would like to  learn more about the many different types of koi, visit our Koi Varieties Guide. 

Also visit some of our other informative pages: Introducing New Fish To Your Pond, Koi Quarantine Procedures and Acclimating Pond Fish

Japanese Koi Shipment for 2024

Japanese Koi Coming This Spring!

We have already placed our koi order from some great breeders in Japan. We haven’t secured a shipping date yet, but they will likely arrive sometime in April.

We will be adding more koi in the coming days

Previous Koi Shipments

To see some of the Japanese koi we have imported in previous years – click our Past Japanese Koi Shipments page.