905-715-2447 Fall Hours: Wednesday to Saturday 10:00 am-5:00 pm 3301 Sideroad 10, Bradford, ON Canada
905-715-2447 Fall Hours: Wednesday to Saturday 10:00 am-5:00 pm 3301 Sideroad 10, Bradford, ON Canada

Wanvisa Water Lily

Wanvisa Water Lily

The Ever Changing Beauty of a Unique Water Lily
wanvisa water lily

Wanvisa Water Lily

What a beauty! Created in 2009, Wanvisa water lily has an overall pink-salmon coloured flower with pale yellow / ivory speckles on the petals. But if you look closely, it also has tones of orange, peach, and deep pink. It was the winner of the 2010 IWGS (International Water Lily & Water Garden Society) best  new waterlily competition. It even beat out the tropical water lilies, which had never been done before. If this isn’t reason enough to love Wanvisa, it also has a very unusual and interesting trait.

Wanvisa occasionally produces flowers that will show a large proportion of completely yellow petals. Some blooms may have yellow petals covering about a quarter of the flower, while others may have yellow petals covering over half of the flower. This process is referred to as reversion. Reversion occasionally happens in hybridized plants, when they revert back to show one or more traits of one of its parents.

Wanvisa is a sport of  Joey Tomocik, because it was originally found in a  pond that contained only Joey Tomocik water lilies. Joey Tomocik produces bright yellow blooms, so when the flowers of Wanvisa revert, they are showing the mother plants colour.

With its beautiful blooms and vigorous growth, Wanvisa is one waterlily you should have in your pond.

ColourPink / Salmon with Ivory Flecks
SizeMedium Spread
FloweringFree Flowering
wanvisa water lily close up

Gallery of Wanvisa Water Lilies

Purchase Wanvisa for your pond.
  • Uniquely Coloured Flowers
  • Free Flowering
  • Vigorous Growing
  • Interesting Coloured Petals


Wanvisa Water Lily